Getting an education is so costly nowadays. Heavy fees put students in difficult situations. College is more expensive than it is ever been. Some colleges offer student loans and scholarships, but they have fixed criteria. If you are unable to get a scholarship or financial aid then don’t lose hope, there are ways to make money as an intermediate student.
Tutor other students
If you have an excellent hold on a specific subject, then consider tutoring other students. Check out from your employment department that if they need teacher assistance in small grades. You can also find part-time jobs in local schools. The online tutoring is also in trend nowadays. Sign up on any of these online tuition sites and make money in your free hours;
Brand Ambassador
Many private companies hire people to promote their brand in educational institutions. It is the best way to make money for extroverted students. Being a brand ambassador in your college is a fun way of earning. Work experience with big-companies makes your resume better and opens doors for employment in future. Try seeking brands whose products or services are relevant to your future career.
Drive uber or Careem
Pick & drop is an easy way to earn money as an intermediate student. If you have a car or motorbike then, why waiting anymore? Register yourself at Uber, Careem or Bikea any make a lot of money by driving. It is a highly recommended job as you are your boss on this. No specific time, no schedule. You can drive your vehicle in your extra hours in the evening and at the weekends.
Food delivery service
Is it fine to waste time at home, ordering pizza and watch Netflix, why not become a food delivery boy?
You may be familiar with the food delivery service. It is so in-trend these days. Go and register yourself with them and take advantage of your off-hours.
Packers & Movers
In Pakistan, there are many opportunities to make money at an intermediate level. Several packers and movers hire college students to help their staff on busy weekends. You can find this type of jobs on social platforms like Facebook. Post in the associated groups and let people know that you are available for the weekend.
Be an influencer
Many teenagers have a hobby of taking pictures, making videos and boomerangs and sharing on different social media platforms like Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook and many others.
Sponsored social media posts are one of the most popular ways for influencers to make money on social media. Brands and marketers pay the young influencers to promote a specific brand or product in a social media post. You can start earning by using your posting skills well.
Find a temporary job.
Several companies hire people temporarily like for a few months or weeks. Sometimes when their permanent employ is on leaves or the task is so small to be completed in days. For instance, answering phone calls for data entry or any other administrative works.
Make or edit notes
Editing and proofreading other’s work is also a great source to make money as a college student. And if you are excel at a particular subject then, why not making notes and selling it.
Tour guide on weekends
I believe that many jobs in the market for students are interesting such as becoming a tour guide. You can work with tourism companies on weekends and go on a one or two-day trips in your known places. It is such a fun job and best for earning also.
Research assistant
Collecting data for research is another part-time job for college students. It typically involves collecting data in a lab for a researcher. Becoming a research assistant adds more value to your job resume also helps you to earn money as well as more learning.
Content writer
Content writing is a popular freelancing skill. Writing a piece of content with quality and authenticity helps you in your college fees and loans.
Part-time language translator
People need things to be translated both in verbal and written form. They usually prefer hiring on a temporary or part-time basis. You can check online for a translation service provider and ask them if they want a part-time translator.
Note that becoming a translator doesn’t require you to be fully fluent in both languages. You will need to understand how to do translation which is a different skill.
The teaching of native language
Well, there is another good option for college students to earn money. You can teach your native language to the people of your country as well as foreigners. There are many opportunities of this kind.
Sell products on commission
Selling products on commission is also a simple business for students. You can start this from a small or no investment. Buy things from the wholesale market and sell it on commission. And if you are a marketing or business student, then this money-making idea will give you plenty of experience.